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Most Brazilians trust artificial intelligence, points out KPMG

The “Trust in Artificial Intelligence” survey, conducted by KPMG, shows that 84% of Brazilians believe that artificial intelligence is reliable. The study also reveals that 56% of Brazilian respondents are willing to trust this technology, the third highest level of trust compared to the global average. Despite this, 19% of them say they are reluctant about using the tool.

The survey shows that 77% of respondents in the country say they have heard of AI, however, Brazil occupies the 12th position in the ranking. The survey also indicates that 93% of Brazilians have good or moderate expectations regarding the benefits that the resource may provide.

Despite this, 49% express fear and 47% concern about the advancement of artificial intelligence. Already 82% of Brazilians are concerned about the risks of using technology. According to the study, they are mindful of cybersecurity issues (66%), manipulation or harmful use (63%) and job loss due to automation (57%). As for the perception of risk related to the use of AI , Brazil ranks third in the global ranking, surpassed by South Africa and South Korea.

To arrive at these results, the survey interviewed 17,000 people from 17 countries, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Holland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, United Kingdom United States and the United States, with one thousand in Brazil. In the Brazilian sample, the majority of respondents were women (52%) with a mean age of 40 years, most of them from the Southeast (45%).

Although Brazilians have great confidence in artificial intelligence, discussions around the world about the advancement of these tools have grown. At the end of March, a group made up of more than a thousand people, including millionaires, executives and scholars, asked for a six-month pause in the development of AI technologies, claiming that their unbridled advancement would pose great risks to humanity. Source: Meio & Mensagem


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